They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and here at the Community Centre we couldn't agree more. Especially when it's our very own Community Breakfast! Come on down this Sunday 14th and start the day Dean Court style. There'll...
Blog Archives
Updates on what’s happening at Dean Court!
This is a record of historical blog entries for your information.
One lump or two?
Whether you’re a latte lover or Americano addict, here at the Community Centre we think a cup of something warm is always a Good Thing. So, we would love you to join us at Community Coffee, our new(ish) social group. We’ll be putting the kettle on...
Your Eco-Team and CAG need you!
At the forthcoming birthday celebrations (this weekend!) there will be a joint stall for the Eco-Team and Community Action Group (CAG). We need your help and we’d be delighted to discuss with you ways in which you might be able to help either or...
All hands on deck!
It was a favourite saying of my ex- Royal Navy grandfather and we NEVER questioned him! Oh, I wish I had the same clout . . . But the success of our First Birthday Celebration rests with all of us. So, please, get out those blue...
Will there be a drought this summer?
Who knows? But there is an increasingly serious side to the issue of ‘water stress’, as it is known, around the globe and even here in the UK. I chose to write about water this month because last Sunday it was World Water Day. According to the UN,...
It's the second Sunday of the month this weekend and that can only mean coffee, bacon, toast, juice and eggs with slightly confused service but totally amazing company. Come along and say hi for a drink or breakfast with no washing up. If you like...
The power of Fairtrade
As you sip your cup of tea did you know that we are currently in the middle of Fairtrade fortnight? This is an annual campaign to raise awareness of what Fairtrade means and the power we all have to make a difference in the lives of the people that...
#GiveMe5 – Today!
If you read this any time before midnight on Wednesday, and can find it in your heart (and your wallet!) to give £5 to DCCA, we would be massively grateful. There is the chance that your donation will be doubled to make it worth £10 to us at no...
Could you spare us a fiver?
1,000 x £5 donations doubled in 24hrs with
New year (green) resolutions
It’s a time of resolutions for some, and last week my wife and I did what we call our annual ‘planning’. It’s not as grand as it sounds, but it did involve cake, and often invokes a little chuckle from friends! One aspect we always consider is what...