How Clean is your House?!

by | 4 Dec, 2014

Updates on what’s happening at Dean Court!

If you groaned and went, “It’s terrible!” while all your friends who visit constantly congratulate you on the state of your home, you may be the kind of person we’re looking for. If you groaned and all your friends groan too, then you’re probably not. There’s other jobs for you.

We are looking to add to the raft of friendly locals who help make the Community Centre lovely with some top notch cleaning power. We have some money available to pay someone for the next few months (and hopefully beyond that, subject to grant confirmation!). We are looking for someone who could spend two hours a week cleaning the centre and occasionally be available for extra work. You’ll need to have proven experience and a couple of references that can tell us what a great person you are and how good your work is.


(* Please note this picture does not indicate our expectations of who will fill the role. DCCA is an equal opportunities employer and people of all hair colours and none are welcome to apply.)

If you’re interested, or you know someone who might be, please get in touch! We’re keen to get someone going as soon as possible. Call our lovely Centre Administrator Rachael on 01865 236160 or (better still) e-mail us on
