It’s bin a beautiful day!

by | 7 Mar, 2014

Updates on what’s happening at Dean Court!

With the Dean Court litter pick this coming weekend (Sunday 9th, 2-4pm, meet at the centre) it seems appropriate to issue a slightly more functional blog on the subject of waste.

The system that we will be operating is exactly the same as you have at home (if you are in the Vale). We will have;

–       One large wheelie bin for recycling.

–       One smaller wheelie bin for general landfill waste.

–       Internal and external food caddies.

The Vale will take extra recycling if and when we have it, but not extra landfill waste. If we have too much landfill waste it will cost us money to dispose of it.

Today I finally purchased the internal bins (see below a picture of them sunning themselves this afternoon). Aren’t they stunning!


So, we need your help. Pause before deciding what bin to use. The green one is for recycling, and the red one is for general landfill waste. The more that is recycled, the better, because if more ends up in landfill then your centre and our environment lose.

So, as a final reminder, what can be recycled?

–       Newspapers and magazines

–       Mixed glass bottles and jars

–       Plastic bottles

–       Cardboard

–       Mixed paper and card

–       Cartons

–       Household plastics

–       Food tins, drinks cans and aerosols

Thank you for your help.

Neil Clark

Eco-Team Lead