Day 136: Something to talk about

by | 6 Nov, 2013

Updates on what’s happening at Dean Court!


This forlorn green tarpaulin is awaiting a new pile of sand, and I hope it arrives soon so that I will have a cheery remark with which to start my conversation of a morning.  Then Gordon will be able to respond with a cheery remark of his own and we’ll get a jolly conversation going.

But meanwhile, have a closer look at what’s happening outside the front of the building:


The moat is temporarily boarded over (that will flummox the marauders) and this will be the ramp up to the front door.  The door to the children’s room (further back) won’t need a long ramp as the ground is higher there.

Soon, we can be fine-tuning where to place our planters.  Then we can get Ian, Katie and Sam back to build some more . . .