Days 110, 111: “It will look the same tomorrow”

by | 2 Oct, 2013

Updates on what’s happening at Dean Court!

I’m dying to get in and have a look at the plastered ceiling in the hall, but can’t get past the scaffolding at the front  door.  Or at least, I could get past it, but the dreaded H&S regs are in the way.

Main hall from doorway scaffolding

“It will look the same tomorrow”, says G-Man 1, but the thing is, it never does.  From here,  though, I can see that Matthew has been building door frames . . .

Door frames

Which look pretty neat, and just go to prove my point:  it looks different every day, which is pretty exciting to a would-be builder.  I’ll just go round to the playground and see if I can get an arty picture of the ceiling through the windows . . .

Hall ceiling from playground

Hmm . . . the jury’s out on that one.  But just watch this space!