Days 96 and 97: Why it’s good to have Matthew on board!

by | 12 Sep, 2013

Updates on what’s happening at Dean Court!

Why don’t things ever go according to plan?  “Thrives under pressure” is one phrase that never appeared on my CV because I like things to be done one at a time.  But here we are: two posts on one day.  At least, though, I can show you two days’ work by latest addition to the team, chippy Matthew:

Toilets begun landscape

This is how the new toilets were looking yesterday, before I lost the plot.  And this is how they are looking this morning:

Toilet cubicles landscape

I like the way our team works.  Even though Gordon is back at Charm School today (don’t know if it’s a re-take, an advanced course or a prize-giving ceremony) the site is still immaculate.  Alongside chippy Fred, Matthew is henceforward elected to the select company of the G-men.  Although I suppose that will have to be confirmed by Gordon tomorrow . . .