I have been trying for ages to get a picture of the roof over the western extension, and returning from the OCLT open evening on Friday, my tall friend took this for us:
There is a link to OCLT (Oxford Community Land Trust) on the website, and if you’re not sure what they are about, it’s worth investigating. Inspired by Quakers Tony Crofts and the late Betty Rostance, land between Pinnocks Way and Eynsham Road has been purchased by the Trust for local housing for local people with the proviso that the land will always belong to the community.
It’s a great idea, and one that will sit well with our new community centre. The underlying principle is that people take responsibility for their own community, working on a co-operative basis. It’s not unlike how the Pinnocks Way community worked when it was first set up . . . but that’s another bandwagon.
Meanwhile, please look out for our roof – and for the rest of our building. And, kids: I know it’s hard to resist an adventure, and roofs are a real draw, but, as with OCLT, there needs to be a contract between us. Together, we make this building and together we care for it. It’s for all of us. And Kia Mataara!