Day 93: G-Man 1 has returned from Charm School . . .

by | 6 Sep, 2013

Updates on what’s happening at Dean Court!

. . . and he says, ominously, that there will be some changes on site from Monday.  The two-day course was supposedly a management one, but I was always quietly confident that it was a Charm School thing:  walking the length of a room with a pile of books balanced on your head and stuff like that.

No, says Dave, That’s Finishing School, and it never did him any good.  I wouldn’t know the difference.  I was even asked not to return to Line Dancing class, not being too good on which way is right and which way is left.  It spoiled the whole effect, I understand.

But as today’s pictures are all out of focus, I’m just going to show you a picture of some of the most charming people I know:


Emma, Daniel, Jonny, Adam and Amanda (aka the Human Fruit Machine from our Fun Day) and, (foreground) player Annie who turned up two matching fruit. Not enough to win a prize, but it was all good fun and didn’t matter a jot.

So what will the changes on site on Monday bring?  I wait in some trepidation.  And although I’ve never been to Charm School, I hope I will be able to maintain suitable composure . . .