Day 90: A slightly soft-focus view of the Kingspan Men!

by | 4 Sep, 2013

Updates on what’s happening at Dean Court!

These guys are not as fuzzy round the edges as today’s pics might suggest – I’m having trouble with both camera and with Windows (as in computering windows – not building windows) so until Brian of the Court puts his IT skills to work on our behalf, we’re just going to have to wing it . . .

Day 90 010

But you’ll appreciate my admiration of the Kingspan modular roofing system, I think:  all constructed off-site, then assembled and tidied up in a jiffy:

Day 90 014

And of course my boring mantra “A tidy site / shop / bedroom is a happy site / shop / bedroom” comes into its own here – not a scrap of mess / water / detritis to be seen once they’ve gone.  Or so it seems through my rose-tinted spectacles.  Of course, they may be the reason the focus has gone so fuzzy . . .