Day 101: Letting the light in!

by | 18 Sep, 2013

Updates on what’s happening at Dean Court!

One of the most exciting stages on any construction site must be when the windows go in and the building suddenly comes alive, so it’s good to know that yesterday Shane and Paul finally beat those top windows into submission:


And now they are working in the children’s room where, just to make sure the custom-made windows go into the right spaces Paul is reading the hymn sheet:


And apparently all is well, because it seems that they fit perfectly:


And, suddenly, I can imagine a children’s craft workshop taking place here!  Speaking of which, we have put in an application to the Gannett Foundation (Newsquest) for furniture, including children’s tables and chairs.  So prayers,  positive thoughts, whatever works for you, please!

And here’s a thought: Gordon’s immaculate site is in danger of being overwhelmed by wooden pallets.  Does anyone want any? Failing that, anyone fancy a bonfire with sausages on our beautifully cleared (thank you, Neil, Samuel and Co!) fairground?  Leave your thoughts here.