Day 75: The line of the new Youth Room from the play park . . .

by | 12 Aug, 2013

Updates on what’s happening at Dean Court!

. . . is being formed by master bricklayer Dave, but I’m not sure how much enthusiasm he can summon up for the job.


Along with the rest of the building team (and me) Dave was pretty disgusted to learn that none of the local lads turned up for the litter pick organised by PCSO Lisa in lieu of cleaning off the garages.  And while I’m on the subject of the garages, many thanks to Sovereign for getting them cleaned in time for Dean Court Fun Day on the 26th.  Just a word of warning to the culprits, though:  the solvents used for the cleaning have left bare patches which will rust before long, so these super new garages won’t look as good as they did.  Ever.  But painting the doors would have meant repainting every year, which would, in turn, have meant more expense for Sovereign, who do their very best to keep standards up and costs down for everyone’s benefit.  So for goodness sake, think before you do anything so damned stupid again.

And because I was so cross this morning, I took time off down at Pinnocks Green to have a close look at the meadow area raked and seeded by Emma and me for the CAG early in the year.  I’m sorry I never got a photo of them, but remember those huge lumps and gouges left by the heavy machinery last winter?

Raking and seeding the green 11.4.13008

Buss passing Pinnocks meadow

I think that even the most cynical of observers (and there were a few!) will have to agree that it was worth the effort.