A lot of interest is being shown in our new building, both from people who want to run classes and people who want to attend them. And there will always be people (like me) who just love buildings.
The new frontage will run straight across, the loss of the old beer cellar destroyed by the fire being compensated for by the infilling of the space at the side, giving a new activity room. The roof line will be a single pitch from the highest point down to the boundary:
So, with a new, lighter main hall and three extra rooms of varying sizes, it will be possible for several different activities to take place on the same evening – or, indeed, for any organisation to hire the whole complex if they need “break out” spaces for small groups.
And meanwhile, the internal walls continue to be built . . . all that is needed is a plan to keep the building team on side. My mother’s shortbread recipe has worked well, Mokbal’s onion bhajis couldn’t fail, and Anna’s brownies went down a treat, but any more offers?