Day 45: How time can be used (or, too often, wasted)

by | 1 Jul, 2013

Updates on what’s happening at Dean Court!


Monday:  it’s back to work for the team and it’s great to see a busy site and to have a growing insight into how things slot together.

I had hoped to show you some more pics of what is happening inside the rooms, but even with the help of an expert I can’t get rid of the graffiti on the internal block work and it seems silly to give any more publicity to the “artists”.

The police spent a lot of time on Pinnocks Way over the weekend, knocking on doors and questioning locals.  They have a few leads as to who is responsible and the silly thing is that these will almost certainly be basically really nice kids who will be happy to use the centre once it is up and running.

But if only they were bright enough to realise what a lot of expense they cause the local community! As everyone knows, police budgets are stretched to the limit, but with a racist element to this graffiti, the case is being given a high priority.  For Sovereign Vale, too, whose priority is the well-being of their tenants, the final bill for the cleaning of the new garages could well run into the thousands.

If you can help put these young people back on track, please get in touch with the police team handling the case.  Telephone 101 and give the reference number URN467, followed by Friday’s date: 28th June.