Day 44: My fantasy political party!

by | 28 Jun, 2013

Updates on what’s happening at Dean Court!

For a few years now I have had a fantasy about a political party called Greens with Guns.  Just letting you in on the secret could quite possibly earn me my own small dossier with MI6, but sometimes you just have to take risks. Last night’s infantile daubings in Dean Court – and even within the community centre site – might help to explain my despair at the stupidity of some people:

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It’s hard to imagine how the thrill gained by the louts who spray this stuff can outweigh the cost to us – the community of which they are supposedly part.  If you recognise any of the “signatures” please let the police know.  The reference number is URN467, followed by today’s date: 28th June.

And Kia mataara!