Day 32: Recycling in action

by | 12 Jun, 2013

Updates on what’s happening at Dean Court!

Since earliest times, buildings have been recycled into other buildings . . . or into roads, footpaths, garden walls – you name it.  Which is good news for environmentalists, but probably less good for archaeologists, when Roman villas such as the beautiful and atmospheric one at North Leigh have been over the years re-cycled into drystone walls.

Here, though, rubble from the 1950’s social club building is being well used by Nick and Graham under the west wing.  It is now hardcore for the drainage trenches before stone filler is poured on top to fill up the gaps.  A less poetic link than the one of roof timbers to planters, but let’s not harp on that.


Outside, on the east wing (the children’s room) you have to admire the corners as the internal block work raises the walls.

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But Surveyor Sam of Cluttons has probably seen it all before, and is just happy that all is going to plan.
