by priscillawaugh | Oct 30, 2013 | Articles
Well, not just yet, perhaps. The floor will soon be completely covered in the black bituminous damp-proofing layer, then screeded with concrete. Until the semi-sprung wooden floor goes down, I think I’d put the dance moves on hold. Neither would a trip to the...
by priscillawaugh | Oct 28, 2013 | Articles
As moats go, it’s pretty inconsequential. Personally, I think it was just a matter of Graham showing off his digging-in-a-straight-line skills. But any marauder worthy of the name wouldn’t even need a horse to jump it. I can do it myself and my...
by priscillawaugh | Oct 25, 2013 | Articles
Yesterday, Gordon was very wisely keeping his back to that disastrous light in the small activity room (it’s not his fault!) and beginning on the job of booby-trapping the site to keep visitors at bay: Today I can see that the job is progressing well: Now, I...
by priscillawaugh | Oct 24, 2013 | Articles
This might be a rather longer entry than usual, because I have to warn you of two things: the first one is a disaster on site: This is the lighting in the small activity room. It is truly horrible and I think we deserve better. To be fair, I think this has to be...
by priscillawaugh | Oct 23, 2013 | Articles
Yesterday, Kev of EHS (you remember them? See Day 119) dropped off the beautifully sliced oil drum for our barbecue. Perhaps a minute later, he had solved the problem of how to support it: So the answer to my question – which was an unfair one unless you have...