Day 131: Shall we dance?

Well, not just yet, perhaps.  The floor will soon be completely covered in the black bituminous damp-proofing layer, then screeded with concrete.  Until the semi-sprung wooden floor goes down, I think I’d put the dance moves on hold. Neither would a trip to the...

Day 129: Call this a moat?

As moats go, it’s pretty inconsequential.  Personally, I think it was just a matter of Graham showing off his digging-in-a-straight-line skills.  But any marauder worthy of the name wouldn’t even need a horse to jump it.  I can do it myself and my...

Day 128: More messy play at Court

Yesterday, Gordon was very wisely keeping his back to that disastrous light in the small activity room (it’s not his fault!) and beginning on the job of booby-trapping the site to keep visitors at bay: Today I can see that the job is progressing well: Now, I...

Day 127: Telling it how it is

This might be a rather longer entry than usual, because I have to warn you of two things: the first one is a disaster on site: This is the lighting in the small activity room.  It is truly horrible and I think we deserve better. To be fair, I think this has to be...